
Sets forth inputs and conversion mechanism of a convertible note

pydantic model pyocf.types.conversion_mechanisms.noteconversionmechanism.NoteConversionMechanism

Sets forth inputs and conversion mechanism of a convertible note

field compounding_type: CompoundingType [Required]

What type of interest compounding?

field conversion_discount: Percentage | None = None
field conversion_mfn: bool | None = None
field conversion_valuation_cap: Monetary | None = None
field day_count_convention: DayCountType [Required]

How many days are there is a given period for calculation purposes?

field exit_multiple: Ratio | None = None
field interest_accrual_period: AccrualPeriodType [Required]

What is the period over which interest is calculated?

field interest_payout: InterestPayoutType [Required]

How is interest paid out (if at applicable)

field interest_rates: list[InterestRate] [Required]

Interest rate(s) of the convertible (if applicable)